Your Support Can Make the Difference.
Reach out to your local councillor
Help bring attention to this critical issue and incredible opportunity for Toronto's Westside Waterfront.
1. Find your Councillor here.
2. Send them a message! Example message below.
Dear Councillor,
Please support the Humber Bay for All Vision. It is imperative that we quickly put a plan in place to protect the waterfront from the Humber River to Ontario Place. Currently the break wall is deteriorating quickly and presenting a very dangerous situation for water users and endangering our shorelines.
I believe in the Humber Bay For All Vision that will help protect the shorelines and enhance the waterfront for land and water users, making Toronto even more beautiful.
Please let me know if you can support this project and what we can do to help see this through.
Best Regards,
Concerned and Excited Constituent
If you have the time and the skills required to take on the all important task of managing one or more social media accounts for this project, please, let us know! Email cdwessman@gmail.com.
If you organize a group of advocates for Toronto issues, please, share this information at your next meeting.
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